This page is for UK passports holders who obtained a TIE card after January 1st 2020 *or had a green residency card before this date who now hold cards which are going to expire and need to renew their cards after 5 years.
If this does not apply to you please visit our TIE Card home page.
Incredibly 5 years have now passed since the first TIE cards were issued under the Brexit withdrawal agreement or to those who exchanged there existing green residency cards to Brexit TIE cards.
We are now taking pre orders for appointments for Brexit TIE Card renewals. We have been informed by the police they will not be renewing any card until after the expiry date so your appointment will be the week following your expiration written on your card. We are expecting a large number of people requiring appointments so we are now taking pre orders.
Book now
Once you have sent your application please use the payment link below to complete your application.
We will be back in touch once the dates you require come online. Please ensure you have an upto date Padron Certificate and two passport photos available when you attend your appointment.
Renewing your Brexit TIE Card questions and answers
Q. Can I renew my Brexit tie card before the expiry date.
A. We have been informed by the spanish police they will not be accepting any renewal bookings before the expiry date. You can apply with us at any time before the expiry but your appointment will be following the expired date shown on your card
Q. How long will the next TIE card last for ?
A. Your renewed TIE card should be valid for 10 years and will give you permanent residency rights.
Q. Will the new card have permanent written on it making me a permanent resident?
A. Yes, your new Brexit TIE card should be marked permanent.
Q. Will I need an up to date Padron Certificate for the appointment.
A. We are currently advising people to obtain a new Padron appointment nearer to the time of the appointment.
Q. What documents will I need to take to renew by Brexit TIE card?
We will be providing your application and tax forms. You will need to provide a unto date Padron Certificate.
Q. How much will the police tax be for renewing the Brexit tie Card?
A. We believe the police tax will be 12 euros but we will update this nearer the time.
Q. Will I need to take passport photos to my card renewal appointment?
A. Currently we understand you do not need to take passport photos with you to your appointment but we will update this nearer the time.
Q. Will I need to take my passport to my card renewal appointent?
A. yes, everyone will need to take a current valid passport with them to the appointment.
Q. I no longer have a valid British passport will this cause a problem?
A. currently we do not believe that not having a valid passport will effect getting a renewed TIE card but we will keep this page updated once the police have given us an answer to this.
Q. Ive changed my passport since I got my Brexit tie card, will this affect renewal?
A. No, this will not cause any problems at all and you can renew your card as normal.
Q. I have changed address since I got my Brexit TIE Card, will this cause a problem?
A. No, this won’t cause any problems. Please provide your new address in our booking form above and ensure you have an unto date Padron at your new address.
Q. I now live in a different province that I did when I originally got my TIE card. do I need to go back to the original province to renew my Brexit tie card?
A. No, there’s no need to return to the province you originally got the card. You will do the renewal in the province you live in now.
Q. Do children need to renew there cards?
A. Yes everyone must renew there cards
Q. Can my children be seen at my appointment?
A. No, the police will only see one person per appointment. You will need your own appointment for each child but we will aim to get you in the same day/time.
Q. Will I have to give my finger prints again?
A. We think its unlikely you will need to give a full set of finger prints to renew your tie card but never the time we will know more information.
Q. Will I get my renewed card on the day?
A. No, you will need to go back around 4 weeks latter to collect your new card.
Q. Which areas does TIE card Spain cover?

A. we now cover all areas of Spain except Ibiza and Mallorca. Areas we cover include Alicante, Alava, Albacete, Almeria, Asturias, Altea, Calpe, Cadiz, Avila, Badajoz, Balearic Islands, Barcelona, Benidorm, Benalmadena, Biscay, Burgos, Caceres, Cadiz, Cantabria,Coruna, Castellon, Ciudad Real, Cordoba, Estepona, Fuengirola, Gipuzkoa, Granada, Gaudalajara, Huelva, Huesca, Jaen, La Rioja, Las Palmas, Leon, Lleida, Lugo, Madrid, Malaga, Marbella, Murcia, Mijas, Navarre, Palencia, Seville, Soria, Tarragona, Torremolinos, Valencia, Valladolid, Zamagoza, Tenerife, Gran Canarias and Fuerteventura
Q. I have lost my tie card and want to get a copy before my renewal date can I do this?
A. Yes, if you have lost your tie card click here
Q. Will I need to prove I am working to be able to renew my Brexit TIE Card?
A. No, there is no requirement to show your currently working to be able to renew your TIE card.
Q. Am I required by law to renew my card? What will happen if I don’t renew it?
A. Currently this is a grey area. The police/government have not yet said if renewing your card in a certain period is going to be required or not.
Q. Will I need a Spanish criminal record check to renew my Brexit TIE card?
A. No criminal record check is going to be required to renew your card.
Q. I still have my green card and never upgraded to a TIE card. Can I still upgrade this?
A. Yes, you can still upgrade your green card to a tie card. Click here to exchange your green card for a tie card.
Q. What happens if my card is over the expired date but I have also lost it?
If you have lost your tie card but its over the expired date you can renew it but you will need a police report stating the card is lost.
Q. Can I renew my Brexit TIE card completely online or do I have to attend an appointment.
A. You will need to attend an appointment at the police station to renew your TIE card.
Q. My TIE card is damaged or unreadable. Will I still be able to renew it?
A. Yes, as long as you still have your Brexit TIE Card or you have a police report stating that it is lost you can still upgrade your brexit TIE Card.
Q. Will I need to take an updated photo to my TIE Card renewal appointment
A. Currently we are telling people they will need to take an updated photo. If this changes nearer to the time of renewal we will update this page but the current understanding is that an updated photo will be required.
Q. Can I renew my brexit tie card if I have lost it?
A. Yes, as long as you still have your Brexit TIE Card or you have a police report stating that it is lost you can still upgrade your brexit TIE Card.
Q. Will I instantly loose my rights after the expired date of the TIE card?
A. No, your rights will remain the same even after your brexit TIE card has expired. Currently we are unaware how long they will recognise un-renewed cards but it’s likely to be years. We will update this webpage once the police announce this information.
Q. Will I be given my new permanent Brexit tie card at the appointment?
A. No, you will need to go back at a latter date to collect the new permanent TIE card.
Q. Which application and tax forms will I need to take with me to my TIE card appointment to replace my Brexit card?
A. TIECARDSPAIN.COM will complete all the required forms for renewing your card. You will just need to print these.
Q. What will happen if I’m unable to attend an appointment as I am bed bound or can not leave the house due to disability or illness?
A. If the person needing the Brexit TIE Card renewal is incapacitated or unable to attend the police office to have their fingerprints taken then the procedure can be different in each Region. the first thing they should do is send their representative to their local office with the person’s proof of identity, their own proof of identity and a letter from the person’s doctor confirming their incapacity. Usually the Police will make a visit to the incapacitated person to confirm their identity and inability to have their fingerprints taken. The person will then have a card issued without prints. This is not something unfortunately we can organise for you. You would need to deal with your local police for this.
Q. What will my new permanent TIE card look like?
A. We currently understand there is no change to the design of the renewed TIE card apart from its validity will say 10 years and it will also say permanent on it.
Q. Is there anyway to renew my TIE card without visiting a police station?
A. No, there is no online system, to renew your TIE card. You must attend a finger print appointment booked for you by us and show your ID.
Q. When I originally got my card I was one of the people with the error on the card and it said I was a family member of an EU citizen. Will this be rectified on my renewed tie card?
A. Due to a printing error when the very first TIE Cards was issued some cards stated that the person obtained the card as a family member of an EU citizen instead of in their own right. This should be corrected on your renewed card and shouldn’t cause any further problems.
Q. My card is now over 5 years old and I want to renew it but it’s lost. How do I do this?
If you have lost your TIE Card but have done over 5 years you can still upgrade your card to a permanent TIE card but you will need a report from your local police stating the card is lost.
A. No, each person must attend their own TIE appointment. Its not possible to renewed a card for a spouse or family member without them being there.
General information about the TIE card and why its now necessary to renew.
What is the brexit TIE Card, why was it issued and why do I need to renew it?
When the UK decided to leave the European Union Spain introduced the Brexit TIE Card to replace the old style Green residency card. The first Brexit TIE Cards were issued in April 2020 and as such these cards will now be coming towards the end of the 5 year valid period and will need renewing. It’s necessary to now renew your card for the 10 year permanent card. You can do this after your expired date and not before as you have to do the full 5 years before you can get a permanent card.
Site links
What was brexit? and how did the EU deal with Spanish residents still living in spain after brexit?